Animations with Java  (1997)

Does your browser support J A V A ?

Then you will be able to run the following animations on these HTML pages.

WARNING! Try before with smaller images.

Only if your connection is very fast and you have enough time load larger images.


Spinning hyperboloid - 260 x 260

Spinning glass - 200 x 200

Spinning glass - 400 x 400

Mandelbrot A - 200 x 200

Mandelbrot A - 400 x 400

Mandelbrot B - 200 x 200

Mandelbrot B - 400 x 400

Mandelbrot C - 200 x 200

Mandelbrot C - 400 x 400

Julia A - 200 x 200

Julia A - 400 x 400

Julia B - 200 x 200

Julia B - 400 x 400

Julia C - 200 x 200

Julia C - 400 x 400

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